New behaviour buddies have been chosen for this school year – well done if you were voted in!

The behaviour buddies act as a role model to other children by displaying and demonstrating good behaviour that is expected from all children in our school.

The behaviour buddies have created a quiet zone for the junior unit during lunch times. The behaviour buddies and the playground pals monitor behaviour and demonstrate Golden behaviour in the quiet zone.

The quiet zone is a place for children to go if they would like some time to join in with structured games and activities away from the hustle and bustle of the playground.  The children have gathered data as to what children would like to see in the quiet zone, in terms of activities and games.  Please see the timetable for when the quiet zone is open.


CLICK HERE for the Quiet Zone Timetable


Each week different behaviour buddies choose to award children with certificates in assembly when they have shown behaviour linked to the current theme in school.