RE Club
Each year, children in Year 1 enjoy attending the RE Club where a Christian story is shared and crafts are made. Thanks to Christine (member of St Paul’s Church Congregation) for supporting us with this! The children had a great time!

Mindfulness Club
In our mindfulness club we have been attempting many different activities to help us to focus, to discuss feelings and to share our personal journey’s. We have been practising our breathing with a feather, telling our stories with pine cones and making glitter jars.

Each year the children in the Infant Department perform the Christmas Story. The children love learning the songs, dances and words and enjoy performing to a supportive audience.

Ising Pop
In November 2018, all the children in school enjoyed participating in the iSing pop production, which involved learning contemporary songs linked to our school values. We also recorded our own CD and had a performance in church. The children loved singing the lyrics, listening to the Biblical message and performing in church. We had great attendance at our performances by members of the church, local community and parents. We also had many wonderful comments from both the message portrayed and enthusiasm from the children.