We had an inspiring worship on our value of justice today. Kathryn who works for ‘Mercy Ships’ spoke to us about the charities amazing work in providing free surgeries for children in Africa.


Every day we have an act of worship, which is centered upon our value of the half term:
Monday- Whole school worship linked to our value led by Miss Fielding
Tuesday- Whole school worship led by Claire Wood (member of St Paul’s Church)
Wednesday- Whole school Singing Worship based on our value led by Miss Cavaney
Thursday- Whole School worship led by classes or leadership groups
Friday- Infant/Junior celebration worship.
We enjoy welcoming visitors into school to lead our worship. The ‘Open the Book’ ministry team and ‘Puppet Ministry’ from Goodshaw Baptist Church are brilliant at sharing Bible stories with us. Claire from St Paul’s Church visits or provides a video link each Tuesday too!
We also lead worship based on World Events.
At St Paul’s, we expect that withdrawal from worship, will only be made following parental discussion with the head teacher followed by written confirmation of withdrawal. The school has a system of suitable supervision for students withdrawn from Acts of Collective Worship. However, no additional work is set or followed in this time.
Our Reflection Area
The children enjoyed creating a reflection area during our spirituality week in the Summer term. The children wanted to create an area where they can reflect and pray

At St Paul’s prayer is an important and valued part of our school life. The children are encouraged to write their own prayers and place them on the central prayer tree. Prayers are then read each Thursday during worship by members of the worship team. We collect our prayers in half termly reflection books.

Worship Rota
Worship Rota’s
Worship Rota Summer 2024
Worship Rota Spring 2024
Worship Rota Autumn 2023
If you are isolating please access these worships: