Easter Week
During Easter week, children wanted to spread the good news of Hope to our community. The children designed their own Easter cards and everyone made ‘bags of Hope‘ which included a feather- to lighten the load, a paper clip- to remember to hang in there and a balloon- to help worries float away’.
The children enjoyed thinking of others and trying to spread the good news of hope.

World Kindness Day
As a school we promoted our well being and the happiness of others with a week long theme of sharing kindness. Our This built up to World Kindness Day on Wednesday 13th November. During this time, the children made ‘bags of happiness’ to share with the local community as they walked through the town of Rawtenstall. The bags were so well received, with comments from the people we gave them to, emails or responses on social media sharing how they felt when they received them! Such comments included ‘My life doesn’t have much happiness in it at the moment- you have made my week’ and the following email: ‘Today, one of your pupils was walking past me and one of your boys gave me one of these bags. I would just like to say Thank You, it was as if the Lord had planned it, of course he had!. I took the bag home and emptied the contents, oh my, I am overwhelmed, it is the best thing to happen to me in quite some time. I will never forget this and will carry that bag with me always’. Well done children for sharing kindness with our community!

Christian Aid
In June we invited a volunteer from Christian Aid to talk to us about life for children in Sierra Leone. We watched a video clip about a child who could not go to school and spent their day collecting water from a well, cooking food and looking after her siblings. We often take so much for granted and it was good to use our values of empathy and compassion.
Our Year 3 children then enjoyed a lesson, developing
their ‘courageous advocacy’ through thinking more about injustices in our world and how we could begin to help.

Our Community at St.Paul’s
We were so proud of Mr Rush for winning the ‘Making a Difference in the Community’ award in the Pride of Lancashire Awards ceremony. Mr Rush always gives so much of his time supporting and encouraging the children in their sporting talents- a very worthy winner! Congratulations!

Shoebox Appeal
Every other year we support International Aid Trust with their shoebox appeal. We were amazed at the support from the children in making over 80 shoe boxes for children and families who will be so grateful to receive them.

As a school we support RAFT and donate throughout the year to their food banks.