BLP Lead Learners
Autumn Term
This year, our Lead Learners will support Mrs Ormerod in leading Building Learning Power across school. Our very first meeting was a chance to share our ideas of how to further embed BLP and how we can best support our teachers and classmates.
Together we agreed on our role for the next year. This will include supporting our teachers with choosing the weekly BLP hero, helping our teachers to plan and deliver lessons to introduce new learning muscles and encouraging our classmates to think about which BLP muscles they have exercised that day.
We shared our new roles and responsibilities with the rest of the school during our student leadership worship.
We are very excited about our new role and helping to continue making learning fun!
Spring Term
This week we have delivered our second student leadership worship where we discussed ‘gifts from God’ as part of our whole school worship theme. We shared our talents and listened to other children’s talents and discussed the importance of utilising our talents.