Librarian Update Jan 17
The Librarians met w.b. 16.1.17. One aim was to tidy the library. Additional books were barcoded and librarians made sure that any books on the shelves have author stickers or a code. PC taught RL how to assign a new barcode to a book. Some books still need to be barcoded as an action.
In addition the Kelpies have been allocated a library slot and librarians.
PC reinforced that the librarians should be scanning the books returned and then to encourage the children to place the books back before choosing an extra book.
Additional books have kindly been donated by parents; these will be dispersed into class libraries by KO.
Librarian update Oct 16
Following a set of interviews four new librarians were taken on for this year. We now have four year six and four year five librarians. The librarians have helped re-organise the library. A new timetable has been created and librarians have been assigned to separate classes. This has been organised so that there is a trained and a new librarian always present.
New barcodes have been set up and classes re-organised accordingly. These barcodes are now kept in the library so that the librarians have easy access to them and barcodes are not lost.
Before the Summer Holidays
- Children who wanted to be a Librarian had to apply by letter.
- Interviews were then set up.
- Interviewed the perspective candidates with two of the year six librarians that were leaving.
- Hired four new librarians.