Everyone responsible for children at St Paul’s is an automatic and welcome member of the PTA. To ensure events go as planned some volunteers have agreed to take on executive positions within the PTA. These kind volunteers are as follows.
Our Committee is made up of the following and these roles are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. If you are interested in any role please speak to any current committee member for more information.
Chair – Hannah Partington
Vice-Chair – Jane Barnes
Treasurer – Louise Kiely
Secretary – Diane Hides
Other Committee Member – Alyson Mousley
Other Roles are also listed below:
eMarketing – Hannah Partington
Bag2school Coordinator – Catherine Wheatley
Disco coordinators – Leanne Bissett and Jackie Schofield
Each event has a different team coordinating all the fun with the support of the relevant committee members. We always welcome volunteers so please contact any member of the PTA or email stpaulsrawtenstallpta@gmail.com for further details.