Uncategorized GDPR Legislation In line with GDPR legislation which comes into effect on 25th May 2018, this is…
Uncategorized Willow Workshop As you may have noticed there have been amazing changes with the willow outside. The…
Uncategorized Please support the Enchanted Elms! Please support Enchanted Elms to help ban single use plastic straws by signing the petition. Marine life can…
Uncategorized World Book Day! What a fantastic day we all had yesterday! The children all looked fantastic in their…
Uncategorized World Book Day and Parents Evening World Book Day Due to missing World Book Day, we will now be celebrating it…
Uncategorized SCHOOL CLOSED 2.3.18 Due to the weather conditions and following an inspection of the school site, a decision…
Uncategorized SCHOOL CLOSED 1.3.18 Due to the extreme weather and snow drifts around the building, school will be closed…
Uncategorized School Closed! Unfortunately due to the weather and heating, school will be closed for today. We apologise…
Uncategorized KS1 SATs Meeting Please come and join us for our KS1 SATs Meeting. Come and learn more about…